Why Are Chiropractic Patients Healthier

Research has shown that patients who are under consistent chiropractic care get sick much less often that people who are not.  With this post, I am going to attempt to show why this is the case.
The brain and the nervous system controls and coordinates all the  functions of the body. From your heart beating, to your breathing, to your immune system fighting off disease, to your gall bladder digesting fats to your kidney and liver filtering out toxins from the body.  Each activity is controlled by the brain sending it’s signals through out vast nervous system.  So, the first reason chiropractic patients are healthier is because chiropractic directly affects the nervous system.  Pressure on a spinal nerve will not only cause pain and muscles spasms, but it also affects whatever organs that nerve goes to and controls.  If the brain can’t get 100% of its signals to a particular organ, it only makes sense that the organ cannot function at 100%.  By removing pressure on the nerve through an adjustment, we are also allowing the body to function at a higher level.
The second reason chiropractic patients are healthier is because of the intimate relationship between the nervous system and the immune system.  There is an entire field of study now called psychoneuroimmunlogy which looks at this connection between the mind, the nervous system, and the immune system.  Researchers are finding that it is almost impossible to separate the immune system from the nervous system. This fits perfectly with chiropractic because, again, we are the only discipline that can remove pressure on spinal nerves through an adjustment.  It makes sense that when the nervous system is function better, the immune system will also function better.  Germs don’t make us sick.  There are germs EVERYWHERE.  If germs made us sick, we would be sick all the time.  It’s our body’s ability to fight off the germs that keep us healthy.  When our immune systems aren’t functioning at the highest level is when the germs are able to invade our bodies causing dis-ease.
The final reason chiropractic patients are healthier is because chiropractic patients tend to lead healthier lifestyles.  People who are concerned about their health tend to eat a little bit better.  They tend to exercise a little more.  They tend to take less prescription and over the counter medications.  All of these things, along with getting adjusted regularly, lead to better health.
Obviously, I am not saying that all you have to do is get adjusted consistently, and you’ll never have any health problem.  There are many factors that affect health…your attitude, your diet, your rest, your stress levels, your exercise, and your environment. However, I don’t believe that any one of those things is more important than taking care of your nervous system and getting adjusted.  I get checked once a week just to make sure I keep myself tuned up.

Your Attitude is Your Choice

Sometimes it’s easy to feel like your life is out of control.  Between the stresses of family, work, financial problems, and health issues, a person may find it difficult to even get out of bed in the morning.  What is the best way to deal with all of these challenges?  First off, you need to realize that you’re not the only one dealing with “stuff”.  Every one of us has our own challenges that we’re dealing with.  Why is one person able to deal with things more effectively than someone else?  There is a simple answer, and it is attitude.  Studies show that people with great attitudes just handle things better than people who don’t have a good attitude.   It seems pretty simple doesn’t it?


No matter what is going on in our lives, the one thing I know we have control over is our attitude.  You can choose to live your life feeling sorry for yourself, angry, frustrated, irritated at every little thing, down in the dumps, etc… Or, you can choose to live your life happy, excited, optimistic, cheerful, and thankful for all the blessings you have in your life.  It truly is your choice.  Now, which attitude do you think will make you feel better?  There is an added bonus to having a great attitude.  Research tells us that positive, happy people are tremendously healthier than their unhappy counterparts.  It’s true, the quickest way to get sick is to let yourself get stressed out over something.  Over the long haul, it leads to heart disease and even cancer.  It just doesn’t seem worth it to me since it really is our choice.


So put a smile on your face and tackle all of the challenges ahead of you today.  A simple change in attitude can have an amazing effect on yourself and those around you.  A positive attitude is contagious.  You tend to get back what you give out.  If you’re positive and happy, you’ll be amazed how the people you come into contact with will also be positive and happy. Even if they’re not, you won’t care because you’re not going to let them drag you down.  Try it and you’ll see.  Life is too short to have bad days!

Whiplash, A Silent Killer

El Nino seems to be bringing us some much-needed rain this year.  Unfortunately, along with the rain and Modesto’s crazy drivers comes an increase in the number of car accidents.  Many times people walk away from accident’s thinking, “wow, I’m lucky I didn’t get hurt!”  However, in a couple of days the neck pain, back pain, and headaches start to show up.  It’s very difficult when several thousand pound vehicles run into each other for us not to sustain some sort of injury.  The forces that are created by collisions are enormous, and we’re strapped in absorbing all of that force.
The only problem is, ligaments and cartilage don’t have a whole lot of nervous supply.  Therefore you can tear ligaments in half and feel very little.  It’s a false sense of security that can cost us down the road.  One of the things I tell people all the time is that you don’t pay for accidents now, you pay for them ten years from now.  Many people, even if they feel a little pain after an accident, will just wait it out a couple of weeks, and remarkably, they start feeling better.  Unfortunately, many times whiplash and spinal injuries can lie dormant for years and then come back with a vengeance causing chronic pain that is very difficult to fix.
It is always best to get checked after an accident to make sure you don’t have any injuries. These common problems are much easier to take care of right after an accident than they are ten years down the road.  Scar tissue and degenerative changes that occur make a full recovery very difficult at that point.
Another issue that keeps people away right after an accident is a fear of dealing with your automobile insurance.  There is a law in the state of California which protects you after an accident.  If you’re in an accident that isn’t your fault, the law states that if you use your own insurance, the insurance company cannot raise your rates.  If you don’t have med-pay on your policy, we have two very good attorneys that we have worked with for over 20 years who can assist you in getting the care you need paid for.
So, if you’re in an accident, even a little fender-bender, come into the office and get checked out.  It can save you from many problems down the road.  Whiplash is a silent villian that doesn’t show up for years. Don’t take the chance.

Overworked and Under Pressure — Stress on the Job

Overworked and Under Pressure – Stress on the Job
by Michael Taylor, D.C.

Read Overworked and Under Pressure – Stress on the Job by Dr. Michael Taylor to learn more about MIchael Taylor Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in MOdesto, CA.

We look forward to serving you! Call – 209-521-1122.

Columbia Work Stress

Stress has been called the spice of life, the common cold of the psyche, and even a socially acceptable form of mental illness. No doubt, stress can be beneficial—for example, a deadline can help us focus and become more alert and efficient. Persistent or excessive stress, however, can undermine performance and make us vulnerable to health problems, from cancer and heart disease to substance abuse and obesity.

Stress is a physical and mental response to the difference between our expectations and our personal experience, real or imaginary. While reacting to stress, the body goes through alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Released hormone epinephrine, or adrenaline, prepares the body for physical action (“fight or flight”) by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels. Then, the body releases glucocorticoid cortisol, or hydrocortisone, producing anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressing effects.

Consequences of Chronic Stress

Although occasional stress can be of benefit, too much stress is taxing on the body. Excessive levels of glucocorticoids can hinder growth, delay wound healing, and increase risk of infection. Chronic stressors—or their constant anticipation—can make us believe that we must always be on guard, leading to anxiety. Feelings of hopelessness or avoiding solving our problems can spark depression.

Past or present psychological distress can also lead to pain, particularly low-back pain, which often comes with leg pain, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, and depression. Stress may even be a more powerful pain generator than strenuous physical activity or repetitive motion. Research shows, for example, that pain in adolescents is associated with depression and stress, but not with computer use or physical activity.

Stress is highly individual and depends on our circumstances. For example, we react to stress better if we can vent our frustrations, feel in control, hope that things will change for the better, and get social support.

Gender also determines how we handle stress. Women are easily stressed by household problems, conflicts with people, or illness in people they know. Men get more significantly affected by job loss, legal problems, and work-related issues. Men are also more likely to get depressed over divorce or separation and work problems. Depression in women, however, is more likely to spring from interpersonal conflicts or low social support, particularly from family.

Stress on the Job

The workplace has become a major stressor, contributing to the risk of hypertension and heart disease. Recent studies have shown, however, that what stresses us out is not so much the job demands, but our attitude toward them. For example, people who react with anger to their high job strain or who are worried about their chronic work overload have much higher morning corsisol levels. Lack of a sense of control over a job is also associated with higher blood pressure, especially in women and in people with higher socioeconomic status.

Stress Relief Is Important

No matter what stresses you out, consider taking active steps to change your attitude toward stress and to reduce stress in your life

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Generation “R”italin -Attention Deficit Disorder and Chiropractic

Generation “R”italin – Attention Deficit Disorder and Chiropractic
by Michael Taylor, D.C.

Read Generation “R”italin – Attention Deficit Disorder and Chiropractic by Dr. Michael Taylor to learn more about Michael Taylor Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in MOdesto, CA.

We look forward to serving you! Call – 209-521-1122.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ColumbiaADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is most commonly diagnosed in children who are in their early years at school.

The most obvious signs of ADHD are:

  • Inability to pay attention
  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Difficulty in concentrating

Between 3 and 5% of children in the United States (around 2 million kids) are thought to have ADHD, and more boys suffer than girls. That equates to at least one child in every class of 25 to 30 children, although many more are labeled as having ADHD who may simply be badly behaved. For this reason, proper diagnosis is recommended so that children are not needlessly treated and perhaps medicated for a condition they do not have.

Research is ongoing into the causes of ADHD, and current thinking suggests it is down to an overactive nervous system, combined with the brain’s failure to properly filter out unnecessary sights, sounds, thoughts and emotions. Chiropractors are not in the business of directly treating ADHD, but they are able to help rectify certain elements that may be stressing the nervous system, such as:

  • Removing spinal subluxations that interfere with the nervous system
  • Offering dietary advice to eliminate common trigger foods
  • Testing for allergens that may stress the nervous system
  • Suggesting ways to eliminate or reduce problem chemicals in the home

Conventional medicine tends to treat ADHD with a chemical called methylphenidate, commonly known as Ritalin. Although this is a stimulant that acts to speed up the nervous system, its net effect is to calm the sufferer, possibly because it activates the filtering out process in the brain. The problem is that Ritalin does nothing to cure ADHD; it only hides the symptoms. And when Ritalin is taken for an extended period, it can actually damage the brain’s proper functioning.

It is therefore important to look at less drastic options if your child has ADHD, and one of these is chiropractic treatment to de-stress the nervous system.

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Wake Up Your Hands – Chiropractic and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

By: Michael Taylor, D.C.

Read Wake Up Your Hands – Chiropractic and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by Dr. Michael Taylor to learn more about Michael Taylor Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Modesto, CA.

We look forward to serving you! Call – 209-521-1122.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ColumbiaCarpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused by pressure on the median nerve, located just above the wrist. It is one of the most common occupational health problems, affecting millions of people every year, largely thanks to our ever-increasing use of computers. Anyone can develop CTS, however, even if they are computer-phobic, as it is essentially a repetitive stress injury. This means anyone involved in repeated actions for extended periods may suffer from it, or it may be brought on by a trauma to that area.

Common symptoms of CTS include wrist pain, weak grip, numbness, tingling, and burning. The pain may also cause problems sleeping. Treatments vary, and can include drugs and invasive surgery, but one that is both conservative and very effective is chiropractic. Adjustments made to the affected area can help resolve the issue, as can work on certain areas of the back or neck, where the nerves are being impinged upon and referring pain to the wrist. Chiropractic treatments may also include physical therapy, and stretching and strengthening exercises. Many people with CTS have found that they experience great relief from their symptoms after visiting a doctor of chiropractic.

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Baby on Board – Pregnancy and Chiropractic

Baby on Board – Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
by Michael Taylor, D.C.

Read Baby on Board – Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care by Dr. Michael Taylor to learn more about Michael Taylor Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Modesto, CA.

We look forward to serving you! Call – 209-521-1122.

Pregnancy Columbia ILA woman’s center of gravity shifts forward to the front of her pelvis during pregnancy. This extra upfront weight causes stress on the joints of the pelvis and low back. This gets worse as the baby grows heavier, causing an increased curvature of the lower back, badly stressing the fragile facet joints on the outer edge of the spine. Women who have pre-existing spinal problems will find these changes even harder and more painful to cope with as the spine and pelvis become seriously overtaxed.

Studies show that around 50% of expectant mothers will develop low-back pain at some point during their pregnancies. This is more of a problem when the baby gains the most weight during the third trimester. Regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to condition the spine and pelvis helps to ease and may even prevent the pain and discomfort, creating the conditions for an easier and safer delivery. Most women who undergo chiropractic care during pregnancy find that they more easily forgo pain medication and experience reduced time in labor. Beside the adjustments, your chiropractor can also help with advice on nutrition, ergonomics and exercise.

Chiropractic Advice for the Pregnant Woman

  • Seek regular adjustments to ensure a healthy skeletal structure and nervous system throughout pregnancy.
  • Exercise gently each day. Cardiovascular exercises such as walking, swimming, or stationary cycling are all relatively safe for pregnant women. Activities that cause any jerking or bouncing movements should be avoided. Any nausea, dizziness or weakness during exercise is a sign that you should stop straight away.
  • Wear flat shoes with arch supports to offset the extra burden of weight during pregnancy, and to avoid foot injuries from weakened ligaments.
  • When picking up children or anything else, bend at the knees, not at the waist, to better protect your more vulnerable low back.
  • Lie on your side when sleeping, with a pillow between your knees to ease the pressure on your lower back. Full-length body pillows are specially designed for pregnancy.
  • Swap your three large meals a day for several small meals or snacks every few hours. This will counter feelings of nausea, stabilize blood sugar, and make it easier for your body to absorb more nutrients.
  • Increase your intake of folic acid from the moment you start trying to get pregnant, and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Foods high in folic acid include spinach, sprouts, broccoli, green beans, and potatoes, but a supplement ensures a decent supply. You should aim for a minimum of 400 micrograms a day, but preferably 800. Studies have shown this significantly reduces the risk of your baby developing neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.
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Acres of Diamonds

“Sometimes the things we want most in life are closer than we think, but we’re so busy searching elsewhere that we don’t even see them.”


I was asked the other day whether I had ever read the book, “Acres of Diamonds”, by Russell Cromwell.  I said I had read it years ago, and I proceeded to tell the story as best I could.  A couple of nights ago, I decided to pull out my copy and read the story again.  Its message is so powerful that I thought I would dedicate some time to it here.  The book is a classic, and if you ever get a chance, I recommend picking up a copy for yourself.

The book is a true story about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became very excited about looking for diamonds.  It seems that diamonds were in abundance all over the African continent.  This farmer got so excited about finding his fortune in diamonds that he sold his farm and headed out to search for the precious stones.  For years he wandered all over the continent searching for diamonds, but he never found a single one.  Eventually this farmer went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile, the new owner of the farm was outside one day and picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a large egg.  He liked the way the rock looked so he brought it inside and put it on his mantle.  A few days later a friend stopped by the farm.  When the friend saw the rock on the mantle, he almost had a heart attack.  He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on the mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found.  The new owner of the farm said, “Heck, the whole farm is covered with them!”  The new owner was right.  The farm turned out to be the Kimberly Diamond Mine…the richest mine the world has ever known.  The original farmer was literally sitting on “Acres of Diamonds” when he sold the farm.

Sometimes we are all guilty of being too busy looking all over the place for our fortune in diamonds, and we miss the diamonds right under our feet.  God has a way of putting us where we’re supposed to be in life whether we realize it or not.  We spend so much time searching everywhere else for the things we desire that we miss out on the goodness He has placed all around us.  It’s important to realize that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence.

I challenge you to take some time to notice the diamonds you have in your life right now.  Don’t be like the farmer and miss out on something you already own.  Nothing is worse than having to live with regrets later on in life.  Be happy where you’re at, and search in your own back yard for the things that you desire.  You may be surprised to find your own “Acres of Diamonds”.

I’ll Be Happy When…

“Prosperity doesn’t guarantee happiness, and poverty doesn’t deny it.”                          –Unknown—

I remember a few years back when I used to attend a training in Arizona every month. The training focused on building a practice, but it was also about the way we live our lives. The seminar was given by a friend of mine who is from South Africa named Fred. Fred used to love to show slides. In fact, every Saturday night after the training he would give a slide show for everyone. One night he was showing some slides from a recent trip he had taken to Africa. He came to a slide of a young black boy standing by himself in the middle of a dirt road. Fred explained that he had taken this slide while traveling through Zimbabwe. The boy was very thin and had on some tattered jean shorts and a light button up shirt. He was holding onto a well-used soccer ball. The striking thing about this photo though was the smile that was on this young boy’s face. He was grinning ear to ear with a smile that was infectious.

Fred went on to explain that he was amazed at how happy all of the children were that he ran into along his travels. This boy however was special. Let me tell you what that incredible smile didn’t show. That smile didn’t show how he lived with ten others in an 8 x 10 foot shack with dirt floors and a thatch roof. That smile didn’t show that the clothes on his back were the only clothes he owned. That smile didn’t show that his father was shot to death and his mother had died of a disease four years prior. That smile didn’t show that the soccer ball he was holding was the only material possession he owned. That smile didn’t show that he was lucky to get a slice of bread and some rice to eat for the entire day every day. Yet, he was as genuinely happy as any kid Fred had ever met.

In our lives, it’s really easy to fall into the “I’ll be happy when…” trap. You know what I’m talking about. I’ll be happy when I get a new job. I’ll be happy when I find a better mate. I’ll be happy when I make a million dollars. I’ll be happy when I get that big house. I’ll be happy when I’m driving that BMW. I’ll be happy when I retire. I could go on and on. Don’t get me wrong. I like nice things as much as the next guy, but I also realize that those things don’t make you happy. I’ve known a lot of miserable rich people in my life, but I’ve also know a bunch of extremely happy rich people. What’s the difference? Happiness comes from the inside. If you’re miserable without money, you’ll be even more miserable when you have it. If you’re happy, it doesn’t matter how much money you’ve got.

I now understand what Fred was trying to teach us with that particular picture. Don’t look on the outside for things to make you happy. Work on yourself to be happy on the inside. Take a look at all of the blessings you already have and be thankful for them. Sometimes the things we seek out the most are right in front of our face. Serve others and give of yourself every chance you get. Spend the majority of your time with the people you love and the people who love you. You’ll find in your life that there will be very few who meet that criteria. Don’t take life so seriously…take time to smell the roses. Finally, smile like the boy from Zimbabwe. It’s amazing how good that will make you feel.

The Secret of Enthusiasm

“Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.”

–Norman Vincent Peale—

During my life, I cannot remember a period of time more difficult than the one we’re living in right now.  Each day more and more people are losing their jobs, losing their homes, and losing the fortunes that they’ve worked their entire lives to accumulate.  I hear the heartbreaking stories every day in my office.  People from all walks of life with tears in their eyes telling me they don’t know what to do or where to turn.  It’s frustrating to me because I know in my heart that we always make it through times like this.  Not only do we make it through times like this, but we get through them much better off than we were before. However, it’s still a difficult thing to convince people when they’re right in the middle of the crisis.  As bad as it is right now, our country has been through tough economic times before.  In the seventies, there was gas rationing, unemployment was through the roof, interest rates were over 20%, and people were struggling big time.  Nevertheless, those tough years were followed by thirty of the most prosperous years the world has ever seen.  We’re Americans.  We live in the most incredible nation on the face of the earth.  Sure, things might seem hopeless right now, but somehow we’ve got to look inside ourselves and find a way out of this mess.  Is it possible?  Of course it is.  The thing we must guard against is allowing these obstacles to rob us of our enthusiasm for life.  It is enthusiasm that drives us forward to achieve bigger and better things, and it is enthusiasm that gives us the self-discipline we need to tackle those problems that we don’t necessarily want to deal with.

Enthusiasm…the word is derived from the ancient Greek word, enthousiasmos, which means, “inspiration by the presence of God”.  I got chills when I read that definition.  To be enthusiastic is to be inspired by the presence of God.  I like it!  We may not be able to control everything that goes on in our lives.  In fact, the longer I live the more I see we are in control of very little of what happens to us.  However, the one thing we are in control of is our attitude and how we deal with the different challenges we face.  It’s our choice.  It’s easy to sit around and worry about our situation, but the people who make the decision to tackle each and every problem with enthusiasm are the ones who come out ahead every single time.  Remember, IT’S OUR CHOICE!!

Enthusiasm is infectious.  Just by being enthusiastic, you make the people around you feel better, and in turn, they become enthusiastic as well.  It’s much more fun hanging out with an enthusiastic person than someone who is moping around and depressed.  In fact, if you find yourself having trouble being enthusiastic, don’t hang out with people like yourself.  Find your most enthusiastic friends and family and start hanging out with them.  It will be more enjoyable, and you’ll be amazed how, all of a sudden, you’ll start feeling enthusiastic too.  If you don’t feel enthusiastic, fake it!!!  The more you act enthusiastically, the more you’ll start feeling that way on the inside.  Living life with enthusiasm will take you places you never thought you could go.  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,” Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is due to the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.”  Now, go out and do great things!